Drywall and Plaster Repair Services

in Boston & South Shore, MA Areas

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Drywall and plaster repair and preparation

Our painters can make any needed repairs and prepare the drywall, plaster, or horsehair plaster in your South Shore and Boston-area home prior to painting.

You’ve heard that preparation is key to a great paint interior paint job, and at CertaPro Painters of Boston’s South Shore, we take the prep of your walls very seriously. Whether you have large holes or just minor flaws, our painters will repair and prepare your walls before we paint.

Because everyone’s aesthetic and budgetary needs are different, we have four options of wall preparation to choose from:

Least expensive option:


With this level of wall preparation, we will address only very large flaws in the walls – minor flaws are not addressed at all.

This level is used to help quickly paint homes before they go on the market & for rentals and outbuildings.

Our “standard” option – most of our customers choose this:


With this level of surface preparation, good adhesion and longevity of finish are of primary concern. Includes basic patching, filling, dulling of glossy surfaces, spot priming, caulking, and light sanding/abrading to address surface profile differences exceeding 1/8 inch.

Also includes the following to address “major” flaws:

If ceilings are included in your quote: We address any major or minor ceiling cracks and holes, water damage etc. that can easily be seen from 5 feet away.

If walls are included in your quote we:

  • fix structural cracks with joint tape and joint compound
  • fix/patch all major and minor holes that can easily be seen from 3 feet away.
  • pole sand most wall surfaces to knock of burrs on the surface, dull glossy surfaces. and address surface profile differences exceeding 1/8 inch.
  • spot prime.
  • caulk obvious cracks between walls and trim that can be seen from eye level.

If trim is included on your quote we:

  • fill major divots in eye-level trim if they can hold filler.
  • sand trim with 100-grit sandpaper to knock off burrs and smooth it.
  • remove old paint off interior window glass.

Our “upgraded” level of wall preparation:


Includes everything in Levels 2 & 3, with added emphasis on the quality of appearance of finish painted surfaces.

Includes detailed patching, filling, properly taping cracks, approximate matching of textures, and thorough sanding to address surface profile differences exceeding 1/16 inch.

Our finest level of wall preparation:


Requires aspects of Levels 2-4 with even more emphasis on the quality of appearance of finish painted surfaces.

The criteria for inspection and acceptance may include smoothness to “touch and feel” on interior handrails, doors and easily accessible trim. Includes thorough filling & sanding to address surface profile differences exceeding 1/32 inch.

If you have any questions about drywall repair and wall preparation, please email Pnejame@certapro.com. We’re happy to answer your questions, even if you are doing the drywall repairs yourself.