Condominium, Apartments & Multi-Family Community Painting
in the Boston, South Shore, South Coast and Plymouth areas
Commercial Painting Services > Condos & Multi-Family Communities
Projects for Condos, Apartments & Multi-Family Communities:
One stop for all of your renovation needs:

Interior and Exterior Painting
Carpentry to replace rotted clapboards
Power washing
Wallpaper removal
Wallpaper installation
Flooring and carpeting
Gutter cleaning
Door and window replacement
Apartment turns are done on your deadline to keep occupancy rates high.
We are certified woman-owned in Massachusetts, which is important if your community uses state funding.
When necessary, lifts can help speed up the project, saving you time and money.

We work with both large and small communities and understand the unique needs of each type of property.
Most communities want consolidated billing, but some need individual residents billed – it’s your choice.
If you have questions about commercial painting and renovation projects, see our commercial painting frequently asked questions page or give Louis a call at 781-422-1018.