Recommended Painting Schedules
How often painting should be done on residential properties
How often does a home need to be painted?
The professional painters at CertaPro Painters® want to give you a convenient and affordable way to make your house look great while performing regular maintenance. Adding a new coating of paint or stain to your exterior or interior not only makes your home more beautiful, it also protects your investment from everyday elements and wear. Your house should be refinished regularly, but when? Is it the same time frame for decks, trim, interiors and more?
Let us take a look at the timing of when to repaint your home, inside and out. Touch up an exterior or refinish a dinged up hallway, we are here to help. If you are asking when should I paint, read on below for expert advice.
Exterior Painting Schedules:
How often should I paint the exterior of my home?
How often should I stain my deck?
How often should stucco be painted?
Interior Painting Schedules:
How often should you paint the inside of your house?
How often should ceilings be painted?
Should I paint or replace my kitchen cabinets?
As your local painting experts, we at CertaPro Painters® want you to feel confident in your maintenance, color choices and painting project. We will work with you to achieve the beautiful home you want while respecting your timeframe and budget. We always offer warranties and keep a tidy workspace. When you’re ready to paint, we’re here to help. Get started with a free estimate today!