Meet Brian, interior office transformation with CertaPro Painters®
Posted on May 9, 2018
“We needed somebody who could really follow through on a relatively complicated painted scheme. That’s what I think CertaPro did for us, was make that much more complicated undertaking relatively seamless.” – Brain, The Omni Group
Brian’s architecture office needed painting, and based on past experience he chose CertaPro Painters® for the job. With high ceilings, lots of open space and various architectural elements, the office required a high level of skill to paint. Brian also needed to have the work done is such a way that his business wouldn’t be disrupted.
CertaPro Painters® worked over a holiday weekend so that he and his colleagues could get back to work right away. Brian interacts with many different contractors in his work, and highly recommends CertaPro Painters® to contractors on his projects because of their professionalism, skill, and excellent results.