Certa ProPainters, Ltd. (“CertaPro®”)
CertaPro Accessibility Statement
CertaPro Painters, Ltd. (“CertaPro”) is committed to providing access to our websites and apps to as many users as possible, including those with visual, hearing, motor, and cognitive impairments. Our goal is to ensure that all persons who visit CertaPro’s online sites and apps will be equally able to access and enjoy the content and services offered. We are also committed to providing maximum access to our websites and apps to those users who, while not suffering from any physical or mental impairment, are nevertheless subject to access barriers including low bandwidth and language issues.
In furtherance of this goal, our web content has been designed to comply with the American with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and the World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA (WCAG 2.0 AA).
CertaPro has implemented various measures to monitor compliance with the W3C Guidelines. For example, the IT team performs monthly testing of entire CertaPro Painters domain using WAVE Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool through Pope Tech, an enterprise scale ADA compliance testing solution.
We are always working on enhancing the accessibility of our site. As the law and accessibility standards change, we will make every effort to stay compliant.
We encourage you to report any accessibility issues you may encounter by contacting us at customersforlife@certapro.com or at (833) 701-0196. We will work with you to determine whether other accessibility formats are reasonably available and provide the information, item, or transaction you wish to access through an alternate method.