
Meet the Owner of CertaPro Painters of Downingtown, PA

Posted on July 15, 2020


My name is Fabio Da Silva, and I own the CertaPro Painters® of Downingtown. Working with CertaPro Painters I’m able to paint homes from interior sides and exterior. We’re able to do commercial jobs, interior and exterior power-washing. We do provide wallpaper removal, kitchen cabinets, refinish, we do all that kind of stuff, it’s more carpentry. We do a lot of renovations as well.

We’ll make sure that you understand that we are different from a contractor company. We will be there on time, I will guarantee you the job is going to be supervised. I will guarantee you that the job will meet the expectations that you have for your services.

The pride walk is something that you take pride on it and it’s something that you show your customer that you took pride in everything that you did and you honor all the promises that is made when you sold the job and delivered that experience. We look forward to working with you.

When you’re ready to get started, give us a call at 610-296-2070 or fill out our Schedule A Estimate form for a free estimate!

License Info: Home Improvement Contractor Registration Number PA152729