Exterior House Painting Services in Staten Island

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What is our Exterior House Painting Process?

Our top goal is to ensure the customer is satisfied with our work. We do that by not just giving you a fresh coat of paint or new stain on a deck, but by helping create a look for you to enjoy for years to come. When you contact us, here is how the typical exterior painting process goes:

1 A Free Estimate

Getting an estimate is easy. There are no hidden fees, and the price you get is the entire job. There is no extras or surprises. One of our team members will contact you to discuss the job, then based on that provide you with a price and a timeline for the project.

exterior painting services

2 Preparing Your Property

First, we wash the exterior surfaces to make sure that it is ready for paint, then we fill any gaps or cracks. And we make sure to stay in contact with the homeowner throughout the whole process.

CertaPro Painting residential painting service

3 Expert Painting and Meticulous Cleanup

After priming the painting surface, we begin painting. Our team only uses high-quality paints. Once the work is done, we make sure to clean up the area and remove all materials and tools.

Exterior House Painting Services by CertaPro Painters® of Staten Island

Whether you are selling your home, just bought a home, or simply want to update your look, a fresh coat of exterior paint can do wonders! We are your local exterior painting experts, ready to help with any need. Feel free to continue reading to learn how we can help and how you can get a free estimate.

Here are all our available painting and home improvement services:

CertaPro Painters® of Staten Island – the Trusted Authority on Exterior House Painting

CertaPro delivers affordable and meticulous painting work. Our customers know that when they hire us, they can rest easy knowing their job is in good hands. If you’re ready, contact us for a free painting estimate.

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