When is the Best Time to Interior Paint?
Posted on November 10, 2022
An interior paint job is not the kind of project that can be undertaken just any time of the year. There are optimal times and appropriate weather conditions to make your project take less time and turn out better. So when is the best time to paint a house interior? With winter heading to our area, you may be thinking you missed your window of opportunity. However, there are plenty of benefits to getting your interior paint job completed now. Here are just a few of our reasons our professionals recommend interior painting this winter.
Helps Your House Prepare from the Winter
Your house may need a little freshening up before the long, cold, and wet winters of Missouri. Snow and rain can be incredibly hard on your house. This can lead to water damage that progresses rapidly. Left untreated or unnoticed, fixing these problems will end up being a costly bill. When you paint your house before the worst weather hits, you have a chance to insulate and check on your home interior. You also get a jumpstart on fixing any problems! Professional painters can also help you choose a paint that is right for your climate. After all, not all paint is made equal.
Easier Scheduling
With most homeowners scheduling their paint work in the summer months, scheduling in the winter can be a much better experience. Scheduling your interior paint project in winter will often eliminate waiting around for availability for both estimates and actual work to begin. With paint crews eager to get back to painting, it’s a good idea to take advantage of winter. Some companies will offer specials to get your job done now. Take advantage of empty schedules and get your work on the books now. Your wallet will benefit by keeping these crews busy now.
Prepare for Guests
While it is a smaller consideration, the holidays are coming! If you are hosting dinners and out of town guests, now is the time to clean up and paint those guest rooms and guest baths. A redo in the dining room or kitchen could be just the ticket to set off your holiday decor. It’s tempting to go full-on holiday themed colors, be cautious. Remember, the paint will remain long after the holidays have come and gone. Choose a neutral that will work year round for the best outcome.
Find the Best Time to Paint with CertaPro Painters®
Our professional painting crews are here and ready to help with your painting project. They are experts at knowing when the temperature is right and whether the weather will cooperate to get you the best finished product. Get started today by filling out our free, online form or by calling our professionals at 269-218-0286 and get a free estimate! We look forward to working with you.