Color Trends

Choosing the Right Color Scheme for Your Crown Molding

Posted on April 3, 2023

Crown molding is an elegant and classic way to add a touch of sophistication to any room. Choosing the right color for your crown molding is key to achieving the perfect look. Whether you are looking to match existing elements in your home or create a new style, here are several factors to consider when selecting the ideal color scheme, courtesy of the professionals here at CertaPro Painters.

Matching Existing Elements

If you already have existing elements in the room like furniture or cabinets, it’s best to match those colors as closely as possible. This will ensure that your crown molding blends seamlessly with its surroundings and creates a cohesive look. You should also take into account any existing artwork that may be present in the room. All of these elements should be considered when choosing a color scheme for your crown molding.
The first step in choosing a color scheme for your crown molding, after considering the setting, is to decide on paint colors for your walls. If you already have an idea of what colors you want for your walls, then you can easily carry those same colors into your crown molding. For example, if you are painting all of your walls a tan shade, then choose a medium-toned wood stain that matches that same tan shade. This will create a cohesive look throughout the space and seamlessly blend together all of the different elements in the room.

Creating a New Look

If you’re looking to create a new style or make a bold statement with your crown molding, then you can always experiment with different colors and finishes. When selecting a color for your crown molding, it’s important to think about any additional design elements such as window treatments or floor coverings that may be present in the space. Consider how different colors may affect the overall look of the space before making any decisions.

It’s also important to consider what kind of aesthetic you are trying to achieve with your space. Are you going for something more traditional or modern? Do you want something vibrant and eye-catching or something more understated and subtle? Once you have decided on a decor style, it will be much easier to narrow down which colors will best fit in with that particular style. For example, if you are aiming for a modern design aesthetic, then opting for bolder shades such as black or navy blue may be more fitting than opting for neutral tones like white or gray.

Practical Considerations

When selecting a color for your crown molding, it’s important to keep practical considerations in mind. For example, if you live in an area that experiences extreme temperatures during certain times of year (e.g., hot summers or cold winters), you’ll want to avoid light-colored paints that could become warped or damaged due to temperature fluctuations over time. Additionally, if you anticipate high levels of traffic, especially among tall people with dirty hands, then it’s best to select darker colors which are more resistant to wear and tear over time.

Look at other trim work in your home such as baseboards and door frames before deciding on a color scheme for your crown molding. If there are other trim pieces that match each other but clash with the new crown molding color scheme that you’ve chosen, then it might be best to opt for something else in order to create cohesion throughout all of these different elements. Alternatively, our CertaPro team is happy to repaint your interior trim if requested. Regardless, matching any existing trim pieces can help add continuity throughout all of these different surfaces and pull everything together so it looks like one unified piece rather than several separate elements competing against each other.

The Best Crown Molding Painters in the NW Minneapolis Area  

Choosing the right color scheme for your crown molding can be tricky but by following these guidelines and considering all factors involved will make the process a breeze! With careful thought and planning ahead of time, you can ensure that your crown molding looks great and adds value to your home without sacrificing quality or style!
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