Customer Testimonials

My wife and I own a heritage property that was built in the mid-1850s.

It’s believed to be the second oldest house in London and is a 2 1/2 story yellow brick home with extensively detailed gingerbread frettework and elaborate hood-mounts over each of the ornate windows. My wife has spent more than two decades restoring the home to what we believe is now close to its original state.

It’s with that as a background, that we looked carefully before hiring a painter for this project. CertaPro provided us with a competitive quotation but we were most impressed right from the outset, at the professionalism, dedication to the project, and the care with which each of the team members brought to the job.

The final product was outstanding, the team members all listen to any questions or concerns that we expressed during the project, and the end result is an outstanding freshly painted home that we’re proud of.

We would certainly hire them again and without hesitation would recommend them highly to anybody considering having their home painted be at a heritage home or not.

Heritage Property

Certa Pro Painters painted a cottage for me. I needed the job done quickly and they were able to complete the job within two weeks of booking, and at a reasonable price. The crew were very professional and cleaned up after the job. I was very pleased with the work they did, and have had many neighbours comment on how nice the cottage looks now! I would definitely recommend Certa Pro to anyone.
– Deb D

Residential exterior painting