Exterior Painting

Siding Painting: Our Professional Advice

Posted on July 18, 2022

There comes a time for every home when the paint is chipping and peeling so bad that a new paint job is basically required. If your house is made of vinyl or aluminum siding, though, you may wonder if this is even a possibility. Do you have to replace your siding? Or can you paint siding? The answer to the latter is a hesitant yes. Exterior painting requires a special level of care and knowledge to do properly. Our professional painters are here to help guide you through the siding painting process. We’ll also point you in the right direction to hire the best siding painters in the Hanover and Chesterfield areas that can take care of this process for you. Let’s get started!

Use the Right Materials

The most important part of painting siding is to use the right materials. Painting siding is all about playing the sticky game––how do you get the paint to stick to your vinyl or aluminum siding? If you have an older home with worn siding, you’ll want to be sure to use a primer. If your siding is new, though, the decisions really come into play when choosing the paint. Typical paint won’t stick to your siding. Instead, look for formulas that contain a blend of acrylic and urethane. This is definitely one place you do not want to cheap out on, too. Ask the professionals near you for their recommendations for paint and primer for your home.

Choose the Best Color

There are a few debates in the painting community about which colors work best for siding. The previous standard was sticking to the same shade when covering the previous color. However, we know that most homeowners are looking to change the appearance of their property, not just update it. That is why it is now accepted to also choose a paint color that is lighter than the previous shade. This way, when your paint job does chip and crack in a few years (because that is what paint does), it won’t look as bad. There are now premium paints that are equipped to handle more wear and tear as well.

Painting Your Vinyl Siding

Here at CertaPro Painters®, we love encouraging DIY projects. However, painting your vinyl siding is no easy task. It is easy to mess up and can end up costing you much more than you ever anticipated. Because of that, we recommend working with a professional painting company that has experience in vinyl siding painting. These professionals will know which things to pay special attention to and can even finish your job in a faster time period.

Siding Painting with CertaPro Painters®

If you are looking to paint your vinyl siding, choose Certapro Painters®. We have painted thousands of homes throughout the Hanover and Chesterfield areas and know all the tips and tricks to getting a perfect finish. We even offer free color consultation to make sure you are satisfied with the result every time. Our team is dedicated to certainty and putting our best foot forward every time.

To get started on your vinyl painting project, contact our professionals at 804-505-4777. You can also fill out our free, no-obligation form for a free estimate. We look forward to working with you!

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