How to Paint a Brick Fireplace

Posted on September 13, 2019

Fireplaces can seem like an unchangeable architectural element in your room. But if your room needs an update and the brick is holding you back, don’t be deterred. Even the most inexperienced painter can change the look of their fireplace with an afternoon’s worth of work.

The first thing you should decide is what color you are going. It’s easy to change the look of brick with a simple whitewash or refreshing of the red bricks, but consider black if you are looking for drama. Once you have a stone paint in hand that is appropriate for fireplaces, here’s how to paint.


You will need to clean the fireplace thoroughly with a non-sudsy trisodium phosphate solution. Be sure you read the directions and wear protective glasses and gloves. This will remove any lingering dirt, dust and grime from fires of days gone by. Rinse completely and allow ample time to dry out. While you are waiting on your bricks to dry, tape off the areas to be protected from paint.


Apply a stain-blocking, oil-based primer to your hearth. This will protect your paint against future soot stains of fires. Make sure you paint the entire surface according to the manufacturer’s instructions.


Give the primer plenty of time to dry before you move on. When picking a paint, let your paint professional know this project is for a fireplace. You’ll need an indoor, latex and heat resistant paint that will withstand the temperatures of a fireplace. Get a roller designed for textured surfaces. This will help cover the brick fully, since it naturally has some texture.

If you are unsure where to begin to paint your fireplace, have our experts take a look at the project. We offer free, in-home estimates. Schedule yours today.