5 Painting Rules to Always Follow
Posted on January 24, 2022
When you paint your home or commercial space, you want to get the best results. The time, money, and effort spent should amount to nothing less than perfection. We know this–– and so do other painting companies. But how can you be sure to get the best exterior paint finish? Our professional painters are here to give the 5 painting rules to always follow. Following these rules will make the painting process easier and the final product better. Our professionals have painted thousands of home interiors on the Eastside and perfected the art painting. Here is what we have to share with you!
1. Keep Paint Fresh
Dried out paint is ruined paint. If you have less than a gallon of paint left, try putting golf balls in the can to fill the empty space. Some pros swear by putting plastic wrap under the lid and storing the paint upside down.
2. Use a Modified Stirrer
You must stir paint before starting your job. For the most even mixture, drill holes in your stirrer. This will help the paint fully mix and aerate the paint before use giving you an even mixture.
3. Avoid Lap Marks
Lap marks are the noticeable stripes caused by rolling new paint against paint that has started to dry. To keep this from happening, keep a wet edge. Or, paint the full height of the wall and move over slightly with the next stroke. Try not to stop rolling the room when you start. Good places for breaks are corners.
4. Don’t Wash Brushes or Rollers
If your project is latex paint, there is no reason to waste time cleaning rollers and brushes at the end of each day. Cold temperatures keep the latex paint from drying. The easiest way to break for lunch or the night is to wrap the paint soaked ends of brushes and rollers in plastic bags. Pop them in the fridge and they’ll be ready to go when you are. Remember to take them out 30 minutes before you want to start painting again. When the paint warms up, you’re ready to go again.
5. Paint in Sections
Our last tip is to take on your painting project in sections. You’ll want to start with the trim so that any accidents made on this step can be covered up. Then start at the top of your wall and roll downward. Use M or W shaped movements to cover the wall. Before starting on the second coat, make sure you let the area dry completely.
More Painting Rules with CertaPro Painters®
As you can see, there is a lot of work that goes into interior painting. Sometimes, it is best left to the professionals. After all, these are just a few of the painting rules our professionals keep in mind. CertaPro Painters® are expert interior painters on the Eastside ready to help you with your house painting project. We offer a wide variety of interior and exterior house painting services to ensure that you achieve the finish of your dreams. All you have to do to get started is fill out our free, no obligation form or call us at 425-822-7024.