Residential Painting in Oakwood, OH

CertaPro Painters® of Dayton

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Exterior Refresh at Stunning Oakwood, OH Home

Our painting team was called out to refresh the exterior of this Oakwood home in the fall of 2021. With two very tall chimneys requiring special equipment, special caulking techniques and various carpentry repairs, this home is a great example of the detailed and beautiful work our team does.

Special equipment we employed included a lift dumper, a 60 ft boom lift to reach the two chimneys and a 60 ft extension ladder to paint the back side of the house. We used a special technique of caulking expansion type joints with backer rod between windows & brick. From start to finish, the project took two weeks to complete.

Please see details about the transformation below.

painting with a boom lift


The home had many windows and architectural features that needed to be addressed with special techniques, including special caulking to accommodate expansion type joints with backer rod between windows & brick.

Before Work Commenced

Before Work Commenced

Window sills needed a lot of caulking and repair. This needed a special technique of caulking expansion type joints with backer rod between windows & brick.


Special equipment like a lift dumper was used as well as a 60 ft boom lift to reach the two chimneys. We also used a 60 ft extension ladder to paint the back side of the house.

60-Foot Boom Lift for Chimneys

60-Foot Boom Lift for Chimneys

Working on the Front Facade

Working on the Front Facade

Special Caulking Techniques

Special Caulking Techniques

Backside of the Home and Garages

Backside of the Home and Garages

The CertaPro painters were awesome! They took so much pride in their work it made me examine my own work pride. They were awesome and they did fantastic, fantastic job. My house is beautiful and the talk of neighborhood thanks to CertaPro!

- Mbwana J. | Dayton, OH

Mbwana J. | Dayton, OH

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The Completed Transformation

The Completed Transformation

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