Signs it is Time to Paint your Charlottesville Home Exterior
Posted on July 17, 2023
As a homeowner, you’re aware of the role your house plays in keeping your family safe and secure through each season. The paint on your home exterior it is your first line of defense against the elements. When it begins to fail, it’s your job to recognize it and take steps to ensure it can protect you. Here are three signs that your exterior paint is due for an update.
#1 Peeling Paint
Peeling paint will show up when the film has failed and water is getting underneath the paint. In addition to peeling, you may find flaking, cracking, chipping or other problems. These issues will never get better or resolve on their own. The longer you let them linger, the more likely you will need expensive repairs beyond painting. Take a good look at the area and see if you can find where the water is coming from and have that addressed before consulting a painting professional to correct the color. Some painters offer repair services of this type in conjunction with painting. Either way, you’ll need a repair and repainting.
#2 Dirty Patches
Dirt tends to cake up on walls from precipitation in the winter. Most of the time this is just dirt on the walls that washes away easily. Good options to clean include scrubbing with a brush and tri-sodium phosphate or power washing with detergent. When the dingy area isn’t easily cleaned up, you should investigate further. Dirt and grime that won’t easily wash away can indicate growth of mold or mildew. To correct this, find the reason for the growth and treat that first. Usually, this happens when spouts and eves aren’t whisking water away from the walls. After the repairs are made, invest in painting, even if it’s one spot or wall. This will keep your home protected and pristine for a few more seasons.
#3 Fading Colors
Fading colors are the most difficult problem to recognize. Because the pigments leach from the paint over time, this paint failure is hard to notice. A slow fade is normal over years but can be just as problematic as the aforementioned issues. Dealing with fading is particularly important if you could or do have a move planned in the coming months. Most realtors will recommend a full exterior house painting before listing the property on the market. Whether you’re staying or going, restoring your house to its colorful looks will give you curb appeal in spades. When it comes to offers, you’ll surely recoup your money. If you’re painting for your own enjoyment, a full exterior paint job will last up to 10 years, giving you that much more protection.
Start Your Home Exterior Paint Job
If you’re concerned about signs your paint is ready for an update, our local Charlottesville professionals are here to help. Schedule a no-obligation estimate to discuss the potential issues and project. Don’t hesitate, set up an appointment with our estimators today!