
Questions to Ask Before Your Exterior Paint Job in Castle Rock

Posted on February 7, 2023

You want to get the best results possible when you get your home painted. Painting the exterior of your home can be especially stressful. You can dodge a lot of bullets if you dedicate yourself to having clear communication with your prospective exterior paint job and asking the right questions. We know that it can be hard to know what the “right” questions are. Our local Castle Rock professional painters have compiled a list of our top three most important questions to ask any exterior painting company. These questions give you insight into what you can expect, how they treat their customers, and any liabilities to look out for.

Do you have insurance? If so, can you send me verification?

This first question is the most important if you are hiring a small or local painting company. Simply asking about insurance can get rid of a lot of stress right off the bat. A contractor with general liability is essential for exterior painting. With this, you won’t be held responsible for accidents on your property. We all wish that these accidents won’t happen in the first place, but painting exteriors is a dangerous job.

In addition to general insurance, ask about certifications and training of the employees. As stated above, exterior painting is no joke. You’ll want to be sure those working on your commercial or residential property are qualified and capable.

Do you have any specific paint recommendations for this area?

Asking for paint recommendations before hiring exterior painters may seem like you’re jumping the gun. In reality, though, this question can provide you with insight into the knowledge and care of the company in question. Climate and temperature greatly influence exterior paint and a good company should acknowledge this and provide recommendations suited for your home. For example, in Colorado the weather plays a large part in our lives. In the winter, the temperatures will drop extremely low, and in the summer there will be extremely hot sunny days. Therefore, the best time to paint your home exterior is from late March to October. This, of course, can change by year, but this is a generally good timeline to follow for the Castle Rock area.

Another thing to watch out for is companies that are reluctant to use a specific type of paint. You’ll want to be wary of companies that are simply looking to turn a profit. Low cost products may seem great on the surface, but will lead to chipping and fading down the road. Ask for the facts and evidence on why they recommend certain products to avoid this.

Do you have a list of customers that can verify the quality of your work?

Last but not least, back up the claims prospective exterior painters are making by calling their previous clients. There is little that is more valuable than firsthand experience. Any paint company that can complete your job well will have a list of shining reviews that they would be happy to provide you with. If you’re not in the mood to make calls, check out review websites. Yelp, Angi’s List, and the Better Business Bureau are all great places to start.

Exterior Paint with CertaPro Painters® of Castle Rock

If you’re looking for exterior painters with the knowledge of the Castle Rock area while being backed by a national company, look no further. CertaPro Painters® of Castle Rock is the perfect match for you. We have great reviews, a qualified team, and all of the insurance to make your painting project as easy as 1-2-3. To get started, all you have to do is fill out our free, no-obligation form or call us at 303-688-2224.