Painting Hacks To Use Now

Posted on August 12, 2019

Painting doesn’t have to be the big, daunting task it seems to be. Our experts have used their experience and knowledge to create a list of the painting hacks to use now. They will make your project more bearable and turn out more professional.


Instead of a traditional drop cloth, try flattened cardboard to protect floors. It won’t slide around as you work and will also absorb small spills or splatters.
You’d be surprised how much dust is hanging on your walls. Use a dry dust rag before you begin to wipe them down. This will avoid painted dust bunnies attaching to the walls.
If you are painting a piece of furniture, use screws to elevate the legs slightly off the floor. This will make sure it doesn’t stick as it dries.
Press and seal wrap is a great tool to use in tight spots that need painting. Stick it to the area you want to avoid and it will protect it from paint. While this isn’t a complete substitute for painting, it will help keep your appliances or immobile furniture from being painted too.


  • There is nothing attractive about the smell of paint. Try adding a few drops of vanilla extract to the gallon and giving it a stir. It won’t completely alleviate stink face, but it will surely help.
  • When you are painting, use a W-shaped roll on walls. This will help you hit every spot with good coverage.
  • Have something that you don’t want to paint? Use vaseline on it as a barrier. Slather it on, paint, and then wipe it away. It’s not ideal, but it will keep paint off in a pinch.
  • Do you see uneven spots after you’ve cleaned up? Use a paper bag to rub over them. The coarseness of the bag will provide a very light sanding to help even it out.
  • Use a rubber band stretched top to bottom over the bucket. You can use it to remove excess paint from your brush while avoiding drip marks down the sides of the can.
  • Before you hammer that can closed, put it down on a drop cloth or cardboard to prevent the splatter from getting all over the floor.


  • When it comes to cleaning your paint brushes, our pros had two options. Use vinegar as a natural option for cleaning. Then soak them in fabric softener to maintain soft bristles.
  • Rather than spend time cleaning out your painting tray, line it with aluminum foil before you start. You’ll be able to toss the foil and have a pristine tray in no time.
  • Avoid the time it takes to tape windows and mirrors. It’s quicker to use a flat scraper to remove dried paint than to spend the time taping them off.
  • Before you pull the tape off of your project, use a hair dryer to heat it. This makes it come off in a clean line, while not leaving any stickiness behind on your new paint job.
  • If you’ve attempted to open a paint can that is dried closed, you understand the fight of painters. Wipe the edges down on the can before you hammer it sealed. This will avoid the problem in the future.