Community Residential Painting

Exterior House Painters: Spring Checklist for Homeowners

Posted on April 26, 2021

It’s no surprise the mercury is rising outside, summer is just around the corner. While spring cleaning is usually an indoor task, now is the time to prep your home for the heat and rain to come. It’s a good idea to execute a spring exterior checklist for homeowner. Our exterior house painters are here to get you started.

Soak up some early spring sunshine while inspecting the outside of your house. Putting this chore off can allow problems to fester and potentially get worse (and more expensive). Tackling the problem head on will allow you to repair your home before things deteriorate further.

Roof and Gutters

Only take this task on if you are comfortable on a ladder. Climb up and inspect your shingles and gutters. Water intrusion is a costly problem if you wait for leak spots to show up inside. Growth from standing water should also be addressed. This is signified by mildew, mold, algae or other discoloration.

Your gutters and downspouts should be free of debris before the tropical downpours of summer. Overflowing gutters can allow water to run directly down the walls of your home and degrade your paint or substrate.


Paint is the first line of defense against exterior weather, pests and other intrusions. It will let you know when it is beginning to fail. Chipping, peeling, chalking and other imperfections are the first sign you should speak with a painting professional. While looking at the state of your paint, pay particular attention to anywhere water could be pooling or seeping into your foundation.

Don’t neglect other outdoor structures. If your property has a patio, shed or other outdoor structure, inspect it with the same vigor as your home. You can have a perfect home that is brought down in style by a derelict outbuilding. Look for rot, loose or damaged boards and paint leaching. Power washing or painting the smaller structure can help your home’s curb appeal all around.

Pseudo Interior

Take the time to inspect the crawl space or attic of your home. Many properties use this area for air conditioning units that can also require regular maintenance. If your home’s foundation is off the ground, have a look for structural integrity, leaks or water issues. Sealing out the humidity to come will make a difference in your home’s ability to stand up to moisture intrusion.


This is the perfect time to take a hard look at your entrance and porch, be it front or back. Trim foliage, paint cement, add color to the front door or update potted plants. These small tasks make it much more exciting to head home.

Get Started

Our professionals are here to help. We can assist with inspections, repairs and painting to keep your home safe and comfortable. Schedule a free, no-obligation estimate today.

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