
Madison County is Offering 2023 Household Hazardous Waste Collections for Illinois Residents

Posted on September 13, 2023

As part of the County’s Resource Management Program, the Building & Zoning Department periodically hosts free, one-day recycling collections for Madison County residents. These events provide an opportunity to recycle or properly dispose of waste that cannot be handled through curbside pick-up programs, including household hazardous waste and electronic waste.

Madison County Household Hazardous Waste collections are held on the first Saturday and third Friday of each month. Contact: or call 618-296-5237 for more information.

Madison County hosts Household Hazardous Waste collections each year that are FREE for all Illinois residents. Please email for additional information about accepted and prohibited materials.

If you want to learn more and view a list of accepted and prohibited materials, click here.

You can schedule your hazardous waste recycling appointment here.