CertaPro Painters® of Alpharetta Can Replace Gutters!
Posted on November 1, 2023
When producing an average paint project, the facia boards behind gutters do not get inspected or painted. It is recommended that houses 12+ years old replace the gutters when repainting your home so that all wood rot can be replaced.
Our process is to remove the gutters, address any wood rot, and then paint the fascia before new gutters are installed. The new gutters will be a 6-inch gutter rather than the typical 4 or 5-inch gutters that builders install. Also, if you plan to change the color scheme of your home you will have the option to select from multiple color options for your new gutters. Thus, the cost of the gutters would be lessened by the savings of not putting 2 coats to change colors on the old gutters.
Ask your sales associate for more details. It’s more affordable than you may think!