Color Consulting Services
in Southern Montana
Color Consultations & Professional Painting Services

Exterior Color Ideas

Interior Color Schemes

Trim & Door Colors
Get Started on Your Project Today
Are you ready to have your home transformed with a fresh interior or exterior color? Contact CertaPro Painters® today for a free painting estimate and to discuss your color consultation needs.
Why should I schedule a color consultation?
A color consultation is beneficial for many reasons. Not only can you sift through your design vision with a professional, but you can get a better idea of how a color will look on your unique space. Going over individual paint colors one-on-one can help you determine which colors would work best in your space and finalize a new color palette for your residence.
Your color consultant will show you their paint deck to help you pick your room’s colors while answering any questions you have. Before they leave, your CertaPro Painters® paint consultant will give you 4×4 sample cards of each of the colors you selected to keep as a reference.
Taking the time to complete a color consultation prior to your painting service can ensure that you are satisfied with your final paint color selections before the first coat of paint is even applied. Fill out our online form to schedule your next residential painting consultation today!

Local Paint Color Blogs
Below are a few of our local community posts about paint colors. Check out any of our blogs below for more information.

The summer months are a wonderful time to check any home improvement projects off of your to-do list, like exterior painting. CertaPro Painters® of Southern Montana can provide you with a seamless exterior painting project in the local community.
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Could your home’s interior use a fresh coat of paint this winter? Here at CertaPro Painters® of Bozeman-Billings, we trust reputable paint brands like Sherwin-Williams for each of our interior painting projects.
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Could your home exterior use a fresh pop of color this season? Here at CertaPro Painters® of Southern Montana, we can provide you with a flawless exterior painting service.
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