CertaPro Painters® Our Team

Commercial Paint Crew of the Year Nominees

Posted on January 10, 2023

LORA Painting

Team Members: Edgar Lopez, Ivan Lopez, Lenin Lopez, Aron Lopez
Franchise Owner: Greg Nezerka and Janae Nezerka, CertaPro of Shawnee Mission
Commercial $ Completed as of 8/31/22: $344,218
Number of Jobs Completed as of 8/31/22: 17
Commercial NPS as of 8/31/22: 100

​​​​​​​How this team lives the Core Values:

Edgar started with the company as a member of a Residential crew, but he demonstrated that they could produce projects larger than a Residential house. Therefore, he has moved over to Commercial. Working closely with his PA, his crew proved they are coachable and follow directions without hesitation, meeting every deadline for their customers. He is very proud of his projects and is always improving his skills as a painter.

​​​​​​​Bio: ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

I came to the United States in 2006 alone without knowing anyone. I started working in a greenhouse but for transportation reasons I had to look for another opportunity in the painting business. After 10 years of working for a painting company, I decided to make a decision without knowing how it was going to go. I started my own business painting houses. From that moment on life changed both for me and my family and also for my brothers who all work with me. Thanks to the work we do now, we can support our families and the co-workers who help us can also support their families.

The time I have been working for CertaPro has helped me a lot, and I feel comfortable and part of the team. I always worked in Residential but now that they gave me the opportunity to work in Commercial Painting, I can say that things have gone much better. Right now I work exclusively for CertaPro. We feel good, comfortable, and taken into account by each person at CertaPro.