CertaPro Painters® Color Trends

5 Tips for Choosing Your Exterior Home Colors in Scottsdale

Posted on March 26, 2020

Choosing colors for your exterior painting project can be complicated, to say the least. You need to consult local governing bodies while considering your geographic location and architectural elements on the outside of your home. Here are 5 tips for choosing your exterior colors in Scottsdale.

Consider Contrasting Colors

The easiest way to pick a palette for your home is to work with the 70-20-10 rule. Pick a neutral for 70% of the space. Next, choose a contrasting color for 20% of the surface. Finally, add an optional pop of color for the remaining 10%. A successful color scheme might look like this: creamy white (70%), charcoal (20%), and bright blue (10%). In practicality, this means your house would be white with charcoal trim and potentially a bright blue door.

When making this plan, be sure you consider semi-permanent fixtures like roofs and driveways. They need to be matched into your color plan to avoid redoing them as well. Other structures like fences, decks, and porches should be planned for as well.

Architecture and Age

Colors can be dictated by the architecture and age of your home. A youthful and trendy color might not work well on a colonial build. Picking the wrong color could make your home feel weird and out of place.

On the contrary, an appropriate color should enhance your home’s appearance. Sticking with the common colors is successful regardless of home style. They are common for a reason, they will work on any style in any location.

For Scottsdale, you’ll want to avoid choosing vivid and deep colors for your home. While they will look good for a short time, the bright sun and hot temperatures will quickly leach the pigments from your paint. In just a season or two, you’ll be left with a washed-out mess.

Use Broad Visualization

When first setting out to pick a perfect palette, look at what’s before you. Take a drive through your local neighborhoods and notice the color combinations that seem to work and appeal to you. Be sure to make note of the ones that really stand out. Look for similar styles and ages of homes to make sure the colors will pair with yours well. Make sure to see how the sun looks on it and if there are any triggers you should avoid. For example, a beautiful greige home can be quickly ruined by stains from sprinklers or leaky downspouts. These are items you’ll want to consider before putting them on your house.

Experiment for Perfection

Never commit to a color choice before it’s been tested. A great plan can quickly go awry if it lacks proper experimentation. Save yourself from the heartache of a poorly chosen color scheme and test it out before you commit to the color.

Get a test paint mixed and bring it home. Either paint a 2 foot square on a more hidden wall or paint a poster board with it. Then check it against the trim and other colors in your yard and property attributes. This will show you if there are any colors you should worry about or consider changing.

Consult a Pro

A professional painting company will typically have a color consultant on hand to help you choose. CertaPro Painters of Scottsdale is no exception. Our color specialists are happy to step in and assist you in your choices.

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