Park Painters of Plymouth, MI

Featured Commercial Project

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Oakwoods Nature Center Near Flat Rock, MI

CertaPro Painters® of Plymouth, MI received the opportunity to paint a large section of the Oakwoods Nature Center in March 2020. The walls required some small repair and cleaning due to the dirt buildup on their white surfaces. CertaPro’s professionals meticulously followed an artist’s rendering to finalize the design for the room. The completed project will be used as a base for a mural to be done in the future. CertaPro Painters® are equipped with the materials necessary to tackle large projects in commercial areas, providing the customer with excellent results.


Large commercial projects provide their own set of challenges. CertaPro’s painters were following a specific design that required special attention, especially the curved nature of the pattern.

Painting projects have their own essential guidelines and equipment so that work may be completed. The Covid 19 pandemic handed the crew an additional set of obstacles for safety. Luckily, the building was closed and the crew had full access to the room to mitigate any high levels of concern.


  • Wall repair – Repair was required before the painting process could commence
  • Dirt – Dirt had accumulated on the walls, needing a proper cleaning before painting


  • Prep – The room was professionally cleaned and repaired before the paint was applied
  • Paint – A painted wall design was completed to give the room a base for future mural painting
    PROJECT TIMELINE – 2 weeks


Before the project began, an assessment of the building was completed and pictures were taken of the areas that needed attention.

Wall Repair

Wall Repair

Small repairs were needed to sections of the walls before painting.

Dirt Accumulation

Dirt Accumulation

The white walls collected dirt, requiring a professional cleaning.


After completion, areas of concern were surveyed and pictures were taken to validate the quality of work.

Cleaned and Repainted

Cleaned and Repainted

The Nature Center walls were professionally cleaned and painted for a brand new look.

Nature Center Painting

Nature Center Painting

Multiple colors and a wavy design were used to complete the project.