Splash Pad Equipment
by CertaPro Painters of Pearland & Friendswood, TX
In the spring of 2024, CertaPro Painters of Pearland and Friendswood, TX were contacted to restore splash pad equipment across multiple locations in Houston. The equipment’s previous paint had begun to fade and just needed a refresh, though they were still safe to use. Some areas were rusty due to being part of water features, while other areas had peeling paint from use. CertaPro Painters were tasked with this refresh, and needed a painter who was experienced in using epoxy paint, and also needed to drain the water features to allow for painting.
Each project took between 3-5 days. CertaPro Painters of Pearland and Friendswood, TX hand sanded all of the metal areas of the apparatuses, removed the rust, primed, and applied 2 coats of epoxy paint. Before taking on the job, CertaPro ensured the equipment is sound and safe, as this is a refresh not a rebuild.
The result, which can be seen below, gives new life to the old and faded equipment.