Painting Shopping List from the Pros

Posted on June 18, 2019

There are no lack of neat products in the painting aisles to make your job easier. Even seasoned pros can get lost and leave the store with an overstuffed cart of items they may never open. If you’re starting a painting project, here’s a list of necessities to work from. Here’s our painting shopping list from the pros.

Preparation itemspainting prep materials

Preparation is arguably the most important work you will do when it comes to paint outcomes. Start with cleaning, where you’ll need basic cleaning supplies like a bucket, scrub brush, bleach if you have mildew and a hose with a nozzle for outside. You will also need a cleaner to treat walls with. It should include TSP, or trisodium phosphate.




Power Washer

For exterior jobs, washing the walls is made easy with a rented power washer. Removal of dirt can be done easily with this tool. You should purchase hand and eye protection.





Protection is necessary whether you are working outside or inside. For outdoors, get some plastic drop cloths to drape over plants and shrubbery. Inside, you’ll need to look for drop cloths or boxes to protect the floors and painter’s tape to protect baseboards and wall fixtures.





Paint Removers

Before you head to the store, you’ll need to know if there is damage to the area you are painting. If you are working in an area with blistered or peeling paint, a scraper is in order at the very least. For scuffing, you may want to invest in a small sander. Get a brush to use as a duster for the mess this leaves. Dust masks are also not a terrible idea.





There has never been a job that couldn’t use caulk. It will cover a multitude of imperfections. To fill cracks, purchase a caulk that is paintable, labelled on the tube.





It’s up to each painter whether they use brushes or rollers, but most end up using both. Quality tools will turn out a better finished project. Paying a bit more for brushes and rollers will give you a better product and it will be easier to apply.

Spray equipment is available to rent in most big box home improvement stores. While the tool can make a project seem simple, it requires quite a bit of finesse and knowledge.

Use a primer to have good adhesion and a clean, even surface to paint on. You will need to match your kind of primer to your paint you intend to use. Latex goes with latex, and oil with oil. Any paint supplier should be able to direct you appropriately to the right options for your job.

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