Color Trends Community Exterior Painting

How to Choose The Right Exterior Paint For Your NE Georgia Home

Posted on December 21, 2021

Choosing the right paint for the exterior of a home is largely a function of where it is. Professional painters will typically consider the climate, which direction the home is facing, and how it will be applied before selecting a particular product. Today we will offer a few tips the pros use for selecting the right exterior paint for a home in NE Georgia.

NE Georgia Weather

Northeast Georgia is in a temperate region of the United States and usually experiences distinct seasons. This means exterior paint used on a home in NE Georgia should be durable in all weather conditions. Professionals will often use paint with additional polymers, which allows the paint to be applied in less than ideal temperatures. These products are noticeably thicker than standard paint and are usually brushed or rolled onto the surface. This is because in most cases these paints should not be thinned, as would be required for use in a paint sprayer.

Additional UV Protection

Some professional painters will also consider how much sunlight the home receives. Southward facing NE Georgia homes tend to get a lot of direct sunlight, which can be hard on painted surfaces. The pros will often select or recommend a paint with additional UV protection, which can slow the fading of colors that receive southward-facing sunlight, especially in a temperate region like NE Georgia. This can make the paint last longer and perform better over time, extending the time required between paint jobs.

Use Thin Coats

The best time to apply exterior paint in NE Georgia is usually in the fall, as the air is generally drier. Northeast Georgia tends to get inclement weather in the spring and summer and tends to be humid. Latex paint applied in humid environments dries slowly, so the pros will often paint in multiple thin coats, as opposed to one or two thick ones. This method improves the bonding of the paint to the surface while ensuring that the first coat completely dries before applying another.

Spray For Speed

If a project is large, painters in NE Georgia will often spray the paint, especially if the area is relatively easy to access. This does require using paints designed to be sprayed, but it also allows for a large volume of paint to be applied in the shortest amount of time. However, if the surface is in rough condition, or has been painted previously, the pros will usually seal it first with a primer or paint sealer. This will usually save money because less paint will be needed.

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