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What Makes CertaPro Painters® of Minnetonka, MN?

At CertaPro Painters® of Minnetonka, MN, we offer more than mere home painting; we provide a comprehensive suite of professional painting services that exemplify industry-leading quality and attention to detail. Here’s why we are the unequivocal choice for your next painting project:

Community Roots and Local Expertise

For over 15 years, CertaPro Painters® of Minnetonka has been a cornerstone of the local community. Based in Wayzata, our family-owned business prides itself on treating every home and business as our own, building trust with each project we undertake.

We're North America’s Most-Referred Painters

As part of the largest painting franchise in North America, our reputation precedes us. CertaPro Painters® has become the most-referred painting company across the continent, trusted for professionalism and quality.

View of repainted house in Plymouth from the front, after painting

We're Licensed, Insured, and Proven

We don’t just promise quality—we prove it. We are fully licensed and insured, providing all necessary documentation upfront with every estimate. This transparency ensures you can trust us with your home.

Experienced Professionals Committed to Quality

Our team comprises seasoned professionals who bring years of painting experience to your project. We have tackled countless projects, each time meeting our goal of surpassing client expectations. This expertise ensures that every stroke of the brush is precise and every finish flawless.

Exceptional Communication

Communication is key to a stress-free painting project. From our call center to daily jobsite visits, we keep you informed every step of the way. Our commitment to open, clear communication ensures you’re never left wondering about the status of your project.

Hands-On Ownership

Our owners are directly involved in all projects, ensuring that each job meets our high standards. This hands-on approach allows for quick, effective decision-making and personalized service. We are always eager to try new techniques and embrace innovative solutions, learning from every challenge and success.

Comprehensive Warranty

We stand behind our work with a 2-year limited warranty on all projects. This warranty reflects our confidence in our workmanship and our commitment to your satisfaction.

Safety First

We prioritize safety above all, both for your property and our team. Our strict safety protocols protect everyone involved, ensuring that the work progresses smoothly and without incident.

At CertaPro Painters® of Minnetonka, MN, we promise to deliver not just a paint job, but a remarkable experience. From our meticulous attention to detail to our steadfast dedication to customer satisfaction, we are dedicated to making your project seamless and enjoyable. Contact us today to discover how we can bring new life to your space.