Interior Painting

Wallpapering Without Primer: Is It Ever a Good Idea?

Posted on August 12, 2023

If you’re considering wallpapering without primer, you may wonder if it’s a good idea. Perhaps you’re hoping to save time and money by bypassing the primer, or maybe you’re wondering if it’s necessary. While it may seem like a good idea to skip this extra step, it can lead to several problems down the line. As CertaPro Painters of Milwaukee, we believe that using primer is crucial for a successful wallpapering project in the Milwaukee area. Let’s explore why primer is essential and how it can benefit your wallpapering project.

Primer Prepares the Surface

One of the main reasons you should always use primer when wallpapering is that it helps prepare the surface you’ll be working on. Milwaukee’s diverse range of homes can present various challenges when it comes to wall conditions. Applying wallpaper directly to an unprimed surface can adhere unevenly and may not stick properly. This can lead to wrinkling, bubbling, or peeling of the wallpaper down the road. Using a high-quality primer will help ensure that the surface is smooth, clean, and ready for the wallpaper to adhere to, even if the walls have different textures or imperfections.

Primer Improves Adhesion

Another important reason to use primer when wallpapering is that it improves adhesion. The Milwaukee climate, with its varying temperatures and humidity levels, can affect the longevity of your wallpaper. Adhesion refers to how well the wallpaper sticks to the surface. Without primer, the wallpaper may adhere inadequately, resulting in gaps, bubbles, or tears. As experienced painters in the Milwaukee area, we understand the importance of proper adhesion to ensure your wallpaper stays intact for years to come. A primer will help the wallpaper stick better, making it more durable and longer-lasting, even in Milwaukee’s unique climate conditions.

Primer Helps Mask Imperfections

Milwaukee’s older homes may have walls or ceilings with dents, scratches, or other blemishes. As CertaPro Painters of Milwaukee, we know that achieving a flawless wallpaper finish is essential to enhancing the aesthetics of your home. Another great benefit of using a primer is that it can help mask imperfections in the wall or ceiling. Primer creates a smooth surface, filling in cracks and evening out textures. This can make a big difference in how the wallpaper looks, as imperfections can create visual distractions and take away from the overall effect of the wallpaper. By using primer, you can ensure a seamless and professional-looking finish for your wallpaper in Milwaukee.

Primer Protects the Surface

Finally, using primer when wallpapering can help protect the surface from damage. Milwaukee’s weather patterns, including moisture and temperature changes, can impact the condition of your walls and ceilings. When left unprimed, these surfaces are more susceptible to damage over time. With primer, the surface is better protected from these elements, which can help extend the wallpaper’s life and prevent costly repairs down the line. As local painters in Milwaukee, we understand the importance of protecting your investment and ensuring the longevity of your wallpaper.


As CertaPro Painters of Milwaukee, we strongly recommend using primer when wallpapering to achieve the best results. Primer prepares the surface, improves adhesion, masks imperfections, and protects the surface from damage. With Milwaukee’s unique climate and diverse range of homes, using primer becomes even more essential. So, whether you’re wallpapering in a historic home in East Side, a modern apartment in Downtown Milwaukee, or a suburban house in Wauwatosa, investing in primer is a wise decision. Trust us, the extra step of using primer will ensure a beautiful, durable, and long-lasting wallpaper finish for your Milwaukee home. For more information on our interior services, see our residential interior services page. Contact us to set up a free estimate appointment.