Exterior Painting

Best Outdoor Primers for Milwaukee Painters

Posted on May 15, 2023

Painting the exterior of your home or office building is a big investment both in terms of time and money. For this reason, it is important that you choose the right outdoor primer for the job. Primers act as a base coat before the actual paint is applied, helping to smooth out any imperfections on the surface, provide better adhesion, and increase the longevity of the paint. In this blog post, we will provide a comprehensive guide for professional painters on the best outdoor primers for wood, masonry, siding, and metal.

Best Outdoor Primer for Wood

Wood is a popular material for outdoor structures such as decks, fences, and furniture. When painting wood, it is important to use an outdoor primer that is specifically designed to enhance the grain of the wood and protect it from water damage, pests, and other environmental elements. Look for oil-based primers that contain a high amount of resin to provide a durable surface. You can also consider using a tinted primer to enhance the color of the wood and provide a more even coverage.

Best Outdoor Primer for Masonry 

Masonry is a commonly used material for outdoor walls, steps, and foundations. When painting masonry, look for a primer that is specially formulated to fill in pores and cracks, creating a smooth surface for the final coat. A high-build primer is recommended for masonry as it can help to level out the surface and hide any surface imperfections. Opt for a primer that is alkali-resistant and has good adhesion to prevent peeling and flaking.

Best Outdoor Primer for Siding 

When painting siding, it is important to use a primer that is specially formulated to withstand the weathering effects of rain, wind, and sunlight. Look for a primer that is 100% acrylic as it will provide better adhesion to the surface and resist chalking. A color-tinted primer can also be used to provide a uniform color base for the final coat and reduce the number of paint coats needed.

Best Outdoor Primer for Metal 

Metal surfaces require a primer that is rust-resistant and can provide a strong bond to the surface. Look for primers that contain rust inhibitors and are specifically formulated for metal. An epoxy primer is a good option for metal surfaces, as it provides high adhesion and a smooth finish. A zinc-based primer is also recommended for outdoor metal surfaces, as it can help to prevent rust and corrosion.

The Best Outdoor Primers 

The best outdoor primer is one that provides excellent adhesion, durability, and protection to the surface while also being easy to apply. The type of primer that is best for your project will depend on the surface material and the environmental conditions of your area. Always choose a high-quality primer that is specifically designed for outdoor use and avoid using indoor primers as they do not have the necessary chemical properties to withstand weathering.

What To Keep In Mind While Priming

Choose the Right Primer:

There are many types of primers available in the market. Different primers are designed for different surfaces, such as wood, metal, concrete, or drywall. You should choose the right primer based on the surface you are painting. 

Prep the Surface:

Before priming, it is essential to clean, sand, and repair the surface to ensure that it is smooth and free of imperfections. The primer will adhere best to a clean and dry surface. If your surface has any cracks, holes, or damages, use spackle or putty to fill them in and sand them smooth. 

Use Proper Equipment:

Using the right equipment is crucial for a successful priming job. Use a good quality brush, roller, or sprayer for your primer. The type of equipment you use will depend on the surface you are painting. For example, a sprayer is an excellent choice for large surfaces, such as walls, while a brush or roller is better suited for smaller surfaces or corners. 

Apply in Thin Coats:

When applying primer, thin coats are better than thick coats. Thick applications can cause drips, bubbles, or uneven surfaces. Applying multiple thin coats will ensure that the primer is evenly distributed and fully covers the surface.

Allow Proper Drying Time:

After applying primer, it is crucial to allow proper drying time before applying paint. Drying time can vary depending on the type of primer, humidity, and temperature. Most primers require at least 24 hours to dry completely. 


Using the appropriate primer is essential to achieving a professional-looking outdoor paint job that lasts. Whether you’re painting wood, masonry, siding, or metal surfaces, there are primers available that are specially designed for these materials. By choosing the best outdoor primer for your specific surface, you can ensure that your paint job stays looking great for years to come. So, the next time you’re starting an outdoor painting project, be sure to consider which primer is best for the job.