Graffiti Removal Services
in Indianapolis, IN
Professional Graffiti Removal Services in Indianapolis
CertaPro Painters® of Indianapolis offers professional graffiti removal services to the greater Indianapolis, IN service area. The methods and techniques for removing graffiti will vary depending on the project.
The type of paint used for the graffiti and the type of surface on will determine the best method for removal, you can send our team pictures if you would like us to review the graffiti you want removed. In most cases the fix will involve an environmentally safe paint removal product and power washing equipment.

Free Graffiti Removal Estimate
Interested in the pricing and timeline for your graffiti removal project? Contact us for a free, no-obligation, estimate. A CertaPro representative will contact you to gather information about your project and prepare you an accurate estimate.
Graffiti Removal Projects in Indianapolis
See below for photos of graffiti removal projects our team completed in the greater Indianapolis services area. Graffiti can be successfully and safely removed from most types of surfaces. Click on any of the images to zoom in.

Tag removed from Asphalt Path
We can remove graffiti from most surfaces including asphalt, brick, masonry, and exterior walls.

Graffiti Removed from Drainage Pipe
These cast iron drainage pipes had the spray-painted tags removed by our team.

Spray Paint Removal
If you need help with removal of spray paint, contact us for a free removal estimate.