Avoid Cheap without Overpaying, Our Professional House Painter Weighs In
Posted on October 9, 2019
Big purchases like house painting can cause you to break out in a cold sweat. While it can be tempting to go with the fastest, lowest estimate you get, buyer beware. The work could cost you more in the long run with repairs, longevity and corrections. Here is how to avoid cheap without overpaying. Our professional house painter weighs in.
You can feel confident going through this process by arming yourself with knowledge. Before any of your estimate appointments, walk around the exterior of your house and make sure you are aware of any imperfections. Issues like mildew, rot or deficiencies could cost in repairs. Hiding or avoiding these repairs now could drive up costs if they fester under the surface.
Once your appointment is over, make sure you receive a written estimate with a full list of itemized work and costs. Your sections should break out the materials and labor.
Gather estimates
It can seem tedious to plan estimate appointments with several providers, but it’s important with a large purchase like this that you are comfortable. Begin the search with word of mouth and online reviews. Narrow down your options to a handful and aim to have appointments with three.
Some questions you may want to have answered include the following:
What prep needs to be done? Do you do it?
Can you tell me what products you use?
How many coats do you anticipate?
Could additional costs arise during the work?
Once you have found a painter you are sure of and you should receive a written estimate and contract. The contract should include further information on the job including payment schedules, schedule of work and a full list of work to be completed. It’s expected that both parties sign off so everyone is on the same page.
Estimates have caused many homeowners to suffer sticker shock. Keep in mind this cost will include all the supplies and labor needed to complete the project. As an option, talk to your contractor and offer to put in some elbow grease to reduce the costs. Some companies will let you repair issues before the paint goes up, lessening the hours needed.
It’s easy to tell your estimator to include peripheral work like trim and ceilings when they are working up your costs. If you’re shocked by how big the number is, try reducing the scope of work. Remove some of the work that can be skipped. Ceilings don’t need painted all that often and can be a big line item. If your project gets smaller, the cost will too.
Before you begin painting, take the color into consideration. Changing a color from one extreme to another can cost you in coatings and gallons of paint. At the very least, the team will have to put up primer and an extra coat to avoid the old color showing through. If you keep your colors similar, the room will still look refreshed without the extra work.
Knowing these tips before your appointment can give you the confidence you need. An estimate appointment will help you prepare and know what to expect in your painting job. If you are in need of an estimate, contact us to set up a free, in-home, no obligation quote.