
Cold Weather Painting

Posted on February 26, 2022

Things have changed dramatically in the last decade. It wasn’t too long ago that you couldn’t paint below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. First came “low temperature” products that can be applied down to 35 degrees Fahrenheit. We used Sherwin Williams’s “Low Temp 35” for many years with great success.

Now, most paint manufacturers have integrated their low-temperature technology into the current paint lines so we don’t need to switch products in the fall. For instance, most of the Sherwin-Williams line is now prepared for the cold:

“Until a few years ago, you needed to paint above 50 degrees F. Sherwin-Williams now has products like Duration, Resilience, SuperPaint, and A-100 Exterior that will allow you to paint down to 35 degrees F.”

We’ve been successful painting through at least Thanksgiving outside for the last 12 years. We prefer the temperature not to dip below freezing at night. We warranty all of our work for two years and inspect most of our houses before the warranty is over.

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