Nights and Weekend Painting
Available in all the areas we serve
Commercial Painting Services > Nights and Weekend Painting
“Off-hours” work (nights and weekends)
We offer our Commercial Clients night and weekend work hours. This is so you can make sure your business doesn’t skip a beat while the project is being done.
In the past, all types of Commercial Clients have had us work “off” hours, including:
- Medical and dental offices that have patients to see during the day.
- Schools, Colleges, preschools, and daycare centers that have students during weekdays and the school year.
- Factories and warehouses that can’t shut down for maintenance to the facility.
- Retail locations that have daytime foot traffic.
- Food service providers and restaurants that don’t want work done near customers or the food they’re serving.
- Office spaces where business must occur on weekdays.
- Parking garages that need to stay open during business hours.
Save money by having us work over a weekend:
If we can send the professional workers over a weekend, we don’t have to clean up each night and then set back up the next day, saving on labor costs.
For example, professional painters or carpenters could start working on a Friday night and keep our equipment out until Sunday evening when they finish.
If your project will take 3 days, we can schedule your project during a long weekend.