Residential Painting

Have Home Improvement Questions? We Have Answers!

Posted on April 30, 2022

When it comes to taking on painting projects and other improvements for your home, many questions can arise when finding the right company to take on your project. Here, we answer some of your most frequently asked questions!

How long does it take to paint a home?

A typical project for us can take 3-5 days with painters onsite, but can vary due to many factors including project size, crew size, and weather. I try to scale my teams accordingly to keep projects under 1 week if possible.

When is the best time to paint?

Exterior – In Texas, just about any time of year is a good time to paint. If it is at least 35 degrees Fahrenheit outside, the paint can flow. Our crews like to work in warmer weather though.

Interior – Year round is fine, but the early part of the year or mid-summer is especially great for interior work as there is more availability during the slower times of winter, or to keep our crew inside during the extreme heat of the summer.

What type of paint do you use?

We mainly use the highest quality lines of Sherwin-Williams® paint. We can align our product offering based on customer requests, budget, and product availability.

Is there a warranty?

Yes, there is a warranty of 2 years. This information will be included in the provided proposal.