Letters of Recommendation

Finding the right team to paint your home can feel overwhelming, but with CertaPro Painters® of Central Houston, TX you’ll have peace of mind. We are experts that tend to your home with the care it deserves. We treat our customer’s homes and businesses as our own, so you can be assured that our professional and customer service is second to none.

Chris Brown of Hydrotex, on CertaPro Painters of Central & Northeast Houston

Recommended Painters in Houston Area

Nicholas D.G Clegg Sr. on CertaPro Painters of Central & Northeast Houston

Letter of Recommendation for CertaPro Painters of Central & Northeast Houston

Tommy Kosek of Watertronics, on CertaPro Painters of Central & Northeast Houston

Houston Commercial Painting Contractors

Mark Stevens of the Greenway, on CertaPro Painters of Central & Northeast Houston

Hitachi Commercial Painting Project
Lictor Guzman of Hitachi Energy, on CertaPro Painters of Central Houston
Steel St. Townhome Owners Association
Chris Lewis, of Steel St. Townhome Owners Association, on CertaPro Painters of Central Houston
Fandeli Coated Abrasives
Ignacio Ricaud, of Fandeli Coated Abrasives, on CertaPro Painters of Central Houston
RhinoPro Truck Outfitters
Juan Carlos Martinez of RhinoPro Truck Outfitters on CertaPro Painters of Central Houston.
Metallic Products
Metallic Products Letter of Recommendation for CertaPro Painters of Central Houston
CertaPro Painters of Central Houston Letter of Recommendation
Steven Acker, of Hunton Group, on CertaPro Painters of Central Houston.
CertaPro Painters of Central Houston Letter of Recommendation
Pablo Ruiz, of Ruiz, Saynez Y Asociados Contadores, on CertaPro Painters of Central Houston.
One Hour Air Conditioning & Heating Letter of Recommendation
Purchasing Manager William Saillant, of One Hour Air Conditioning & Heating, on CertaPro Painters of Central Houston
McKenzie Galleries & Commercial Letter of Recommendation
Maxfield McKenzie of McKenzie Galleries & Commercial on CertaPro Painters of Central Houston.
Commercial Letter of Recommendation
Julie Casady on CertaPro Painters of Central Houston.
Commercial Letter of Recommendation
Jack O’Neill on CertaPro Painters of Central Houston.