Cedar & Wood Siding Painting Services
in Brick and Southern Monmouth
Wood Siding Painting & Staining Services
Cedar and Wood siding is an absolutely beautiful home exterior choice. It is not uncommon for us to see homes with wood siding in our Brick neighborhoods. However, over time wood siding can fade, chip, or peel just like other exterior surfaces. The primary cause is often wearing and tear over the years from our ever-changing climate. High heat and sunshine in the warmer months can fade the exterior of your home, while too much rain can even result in wood rot and other damages. If your cedar and wood siding has become weathered this season, reach out to CertaPro Painters® of Brick and Southern Monmouth to schedule a free estimate on your next residential painting service.

Local Wood Painting Projects in Brick and Southern Monmouth
Below are a few wood painting services we have completed in the local service area. Click on any image to zoom in.