Interior Painting Residential Painting

How to Eliminate Paint Smell From Your Home

Posted on May 26, 2024

Painting the interior of your home has many benefits, but the smell of paint isn’t one of them.

If you or any of your family members are sensitive to the smell of chemicals, they may find it difficult being in the home for a little while after it is painted. Luckily there are some things you can do to quickly refresh the smell in your home.

How to remove the smell of paint from your home

Baking Soda

Baking soda is a natural deodorizer and is perfect for absorbing the smell. You can sprinkle it in areas around the painted rooms and let it sit. Once it has done its job, you can vacuum it up.


Vinegar does not have a particularly pleasant smell itself, however, if you use it in small amounts, it can work as a deodorizer.


Charcoal is known to have a porous texture and it’s another great odor-absorber. You can place crushed charcoal into a container and leave a few of these containers around the painted room or rooms. Within a few hours, the smell should be almost completely gone.


This one may seem obvious, but a well-ventilated room will clear out the paint smell much quicker. If it is nice enough, also be sure to open all of the windows.


Candles may only mask the smell, but it still helps. The flame can also help absorb some of the smell.

Water and Lemon

A simple and natural fix. Add a couple of lemon slices to a container of water and leave it in the room overnight. Adding salt can enhance the results.

Coffee grounds

A great way to absorb the paint smells and an even better choice if you love the smell of coffee.!

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