Parking Garage Painting

in Austin, TX

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Parking Garage Painting Project in Austin, TX

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We recently completed a large interior painting project for a commercial parking garage in Austin. Parking garage projects are interesting because the paint provides more than just protection and a nice aesthetic, it is a functional component that can assist visitors remember where they parked. Utilizing bright and memorable colors, we coordinated with the custom to apply a color scheme for each floor of the garage. Each floor looks much better, and has greatly improved usability for patrons.

Before Photos

Below you can see what each floor looked like before the project began.

Before Parking Garage Painting

Before Parking Garage Painting

Some light prep work had been completed at this point.

Before Photo

Before Photo

This gives some context to how the spaces looked prior to adding color-coded paint to each floor.

After Photos

Below you can see 4 floors and the colors selected for each floor. When doing projects like these it helps to select bold and memorable colors to help people remember where they left their car.

Floor 1 - Blue

Floor 1 - Blue

Blue Painted Parking Garage

Floor 2 - Orange

Floor 2 - Orange

Floor 3 - Purple

Floor 3 - Purple

Floor 4 - Green

Floor 4 - Green

Green Painted Parking Garage