Residential Case Study
Interior Garage Painting & Light Carpentry in Eugene, OR
A homeowner in Eugene, OR contacted us to renew and refresh the interior of their garage with a fresh coat of paint.
Their garage’s interior walls had several areas of drywall damage and missing drywall. Their ceiling was also not enclosed, and the homeowner was looking to have it enclosed for a cleaner finish to the final look.
To prep, we began with some carpentry – we added new insulation to the garage walls before repairing them with new drywall and installing a new ceiling. Next, we caulked and primed, then the garage was ready for painting! Once the painting was complete, our team ensured that all areas around the garage were clean of debris – leaving the homeowners with a garage like new!
It was a bit of a challenge to work around all of the interior wirings, but our team completed the project within 4 full days in December 2021. See the completed project images below!