
Donate Medical Supplies to Oregon State Cache

Posted on March 31, 2020

Medical and other private sector professionals across Oregon are encouraged to donate new PPE such as masks, gowns, and gloves to the state cache

SALEM – Please consider donating your surplus Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) including new masks, gowns, and gloves, to the state of Oregon. New PPE are being collected in Salem. They will be added to the state’s cache for COVID-19 preparedness. This applies to medical professionals (doctor, dentist, veterinarian, etc), or non-health care private sector businesses, for example, contractors or electricians.

Once the PPE are received, they will be inspected, inventoried, and distributed throughout the state to be used for medical professionals working with COVID-19 patients.

Requested items include:

  • latex-free gloves
  • procedural masks
  • surgical masks
  • N95 respirators and N95 filters
  • Other respirators (P100’s, PAPR’s, and PAPR supplies / parts)
  • face shields
  • splash shields
  • gowns
  • hand sanitizer
  • disinfecting wipes

You can mail in or drop off the PPE. The address is:

ATTN: PPE Coordinator
Dept. of Corrections
3601 State Street
Salem, OR, 97301

Additionally, Multnomah County Health and Portland Fire & Rescue are urgently asking for the same items. They say that without this gear, hospitals and clinics may need to shut down and first responders will be limited in their abilities to help.

You can drop the items off at these locations and hours:

12–4pm, Monday–Friday
Portland Fire & Rescue
Fire Marshal Office Parking Lot
1300 SE Gideon St.
Portland, OR 97202

12–4pm, Monday–Friday; 10am–2pm Saturday & Sunday
Multnomah County Headquarters
(Loading dock on 6th St.)
501 SE Hawthorne
Portland, OR 97214

If you have questions or a large quantity of equipment that you would like to donate and need it to be picked up, email:

Thank you for helping to keep Oregonians healthy and safe.

License Info: Oregon CCB: 212018