Pope House Painters
Whether its specialty colors or finishes, CertaPro Painters of Pinehurst has the experience you can be certain of.
Whether you’re looking at exterior home painting or residential painting in Pinehurst, select a professional painting company that is qualified to do the job efficiently and in a timely manner. CertaPro Painters of Pinehurst is your best choice as we have earned the reputation of providing the best painting service in the Pope area. We have painted several hundred homes and have a 97% recommendation rate. Please check out our Portfolio and Customer Review pages as they illustrate how our customers truly feel about our painting services. We strive in providing quality level work completed on schedule and most importantly, on budget.
Our painting company provides a variety of painting services including interior painting, exterior painting, deck staining, power washing, ceiling texturing and removal, and installation of dry wall. Our painting company’s projects range from large to small-scale. If you are in need of home repair assistance then CertaPro Painters of Pinehurst is the painting company you should think of first. We are extraordinarily passionate about painting and love helping others. You can be confident in calling us to handle your interior or exterior painting projects. We also proudly serve customers in the surrounding area of Pope.