Residential Painting

How to Keep Your Pets Safe During Professional Painting Services

Posted on October 26, 2021

Are you a pet parent? It is important that you know the best ways to keep your pet safe during a professional painting service. There are many ways that interior or exterior paint could impact your pet. Below are a few of our best tips for pet safety during painting projects in North Vancouver.

Pet Safety During Interior Painting Services

entryIt is essential to consider each of the ways that paint could negatively affect your pet during a painting project. From added stress to accidentally getting into your new paint, there are many things you should watch out for. Here are some of the most common issues that pets might have during a painting service.

Increased Anxiety: Most likely, your pet will feel a little anxious when something new is happening at your home. Whether it is due to people they haven’t met entering the home, or not understanding what is going on, this can lead to feelings of stress and anxiety.

Painting Quality: It is best to keep your pets away from the area that is being painted. Depending on how close they get to fresh paint, their hair could blow into it. This could create an uneven look when you paint dry.

Strong Fumes: One of the number one reasons to keep pets away from your fresh paint is because of strong fumes. Dogs and cats have a much more sensitive sense of smell. You will want to make sure your home has had the proper chance to air out and dry prior to letting them back into the area.

Accidents: Pets can also cause potential accidents during your painting service. If they are let loose around your home, contractors may trip or fall. There will also be supplies out that your pet may try to get into that could be risky.

Best Places To Keep Your Pet Safe

If you are wondering where you should keep your pet during your painting service, there are plenty of options. Below are a few of the most common areas.

  • Keep your pet with you in another room. This way they are safe from fumes.
  • If your painting service is inside and your yard is fenced, you could hang out with them outside.
  • See if you can take them to a friend or family member’s home while the service is being completed.

Contact CertaPro Painters®️ of North Vancouver For Your Next Painting Service

Here at CertaPro, our team of painting contractors in North Vancouver value your complete satisfaction when we complete any service at your home. Our team will always be respectful of your home and all who live there. To get started, click here to request an estimate on your next painting project.