Residential Painting

Tips for Choosing the Best Interior Paint Colors

Posted on October 31, 2019

Choosing the right paint colors for interior painting isn’t easy. With thousands of colors to choose from, it can be downright nerve-wrecking. You want to pick just the right color, but what is that right color?

To help you with choosing the right color for your home, we have these tips to share with you. We believe they will help you because they have helped many of our clients.

#1: Look Online

The Internet has millions of images of rooms you can look at to see what colors you like best. Usually, people do this when they want to figure out what to color their walls and trim. You can do it for just your walls too. Search for the room you want to have painted, and then add “paint colors” to it. For instance, “living room paint colors”.

To help you, here are some you may want to consider.

#2: Go with Color Influence

Yellow sparks creativity, blue is peaceful, and grey calms you. Instead of going with the color that looks good to you, try to go with what feeling you want to have with it. Every color evokes a different feeling, so do some research to see what will help you.

These are some colors and how they can make you feel:

White: pure, innocent, clean, and neutral

Black: powerful, strong, intelligent, and authoritative

Gray: timeless, practical, and neutral

Red: love, gentle, warm, energetic, intense

Orange: happy, excited, enthusiastic, sophisticated, stimulated

Yellow: happy, cheerful, warm, hungry

#3: Use a Color Consultant

Color consultants can help you choose just the right colors for your entire house depending on your theme/decor. CertaPro Painters® of Fairfax/Prince Williams has color consultants to help you make these tough decisions. The consultant will bring swatches to your home. Together, you will both pick out colors for each room of your home. You will get the honest truth so you know you’ll end up with a color scheme that works.

Contact Us for Interior Painting

As you research the colors you want to paint your room, contact us for interior painting services. We can help you decide on a color and paint the room or rooms the color you choose. We deliver quality results that you will love for many years to come.

Simply call or message us and we will send you a quote as soon as possible.