CertaPro Painters® Community Exterior Painting Residential Painting

Hot Weather and Painting Projects

Posted on September 20, 2019

Painting in cold weather is a big no-no, but that doesn’t mean that painting in hot weather is a great idea either!

We polled painting experts in hot areas about what to expect when projects are completed in the heat. Here’s what our pros said about hot weather and painting projects.

Good news:

Rapid drying times will make you be able to breeze through some prep work. Spackle, primer, and joint compounds all dry faster compliments of hotter temperatures.

Primer and coats will also dry quickly, meaning you can get several coats in over the course of a normal workday. Paint is generally easier to work with when it’s warmer since it thins a bit allowing for easy spreading.

Bad news:

Shorter dry times mean you have to work much faster, and there can be an unevenness to your paint. Issues like holidays are much harder to correct before the paint dries.

Overlapping sections, which is normally recommended, can show through in the final paint job since the paint dries too quickly.

Getting your tools set up to paint fast is critical, or your brush could dry out while you run to the garage for a roller. If you’re not ready to hustle through the painting, your end result could be a wreck.

Worse news:

Curing is 100% reliant on heat. The paint must slowly evaporate the liquid out for a good cure. Hot temperatures can rush this process causing cracking and bad color pigmentation.

Heat causes the fumes you’re working with to rise. If you are working inside, keep away from fumes hanging near the ceiling.

Be particularly cautious when working on ladders. Keep the area well ventilated with open doors and windows, and possibly fans to circulate the air.

Working quickly in heat is hazardous to your health. Pay close attention to your body. If you stop sweating or start to feel faint, now is the time to get out of direct sunlight and hydrate. A bad paint job can be dealt with later, your life isn’t worth it.

Tips from our painters:

  • Early. Work early in the day to avoid the heat of the afternoon. The only catch is to make sure the morning dew has evaporated before you start.
  • Shade. For the benefit of your paint and your body, work in the shade as much as possible. Orchestrate your work to follow the shade’s path around the house.
  • Top. Start painting from the top, particularly if you’re working indoors in heat. This will get you out of the rising paint fumes as the day wears on.
  • Fan. Use fans to keep you cool and disperse any accumulating fumes. This can be utilized both inside and outside, on dry, stagnant days with little breeze.

With some planning, your hot weather painting project can be done with great results.

If you would rather call a professional for the job, we’re here for you. Call CertaPro Painters® of The West Valley, AZ at 623-518-6467 or click here for a free estimate.

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