Community Exterior Painting Residential Painting

How Florida Weather Impacts Your Home

Posted on May 3, 2021

Living in Florida comes with so many positives, however we can’t ignore the state’s extreme climate. Since hurricane season begins in June, we wanted to focus this blog post specifically on how Florida weather is impacting the exterior of your home and the best ways to protect it against the in florida

Florida homes have to withstand consistent storms and heat. This makes it all the more important to have a paint that we can rely on, otherwise you will very quickly begin to notice the sun and storms affecting the exterior of your home. Here are some issues you may see on your home:

Paint Fading -> We love the sun but paint does not. Direct sunlight will cause your paint to fade much quicker than it typically would in cooler climates.

Paint Chipping -> Rain and extreme winds will cause your paint to chip and become discolored.

During hurricane season the threat to your home becomes much greater. Here are some reminders of things you can do to protect your home and yourself.

1. Put away any items you have laying around outside. This can include gardening tools, furniture, etc. This helps lessen the chance of items flying at your house and causing damage.

2. Stay on top of the yard work. Whether you have a professional landscaper or you take care of your yard yourself, it is very important to pay attention to the trees in your yard. You will want to remove any branches that can potentially snap during a storm. This extra work will be worth it in the long run.

3. Invest in storm shutters or impact resistant glass can prevent your windows from shattering.

If you want to know more about the best time to paint your Florida home click here.

If you have any questions or are looking to schedule a free estimate, call us at the number on top of the screen or fill out the form online.