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How Often To Paint Inside My House?

Posted on November 20, 2019

Very few homeowners are eager to take on a large renovation job like painting their home. It causes uproar and mess in your private sanctuary. More often than not, these jobs are taken on because they are absolutely necessary. Putting off the job could potentially allow more costly damage to crop up. This could have you asking the question: “How often to paint inside my house?”

While there is no steadfast answer, there are guidelines to go by for each room in your home. Our interior painters have laid them out below.

Formal Living and Dining Rooms

Formal usually means rarely used. Formal living and dining rooms are mostly painted for style and aesthetic reasons, rather than necessity. It’s common to wait up to 7 years between paint jobs for these rooms. Some homeowners can even successfully push it out to up to 10 years.

Master Bedrooms

Bedroom walls are sometimes the victim of a bump or knock causing a ding. Master bedrooms will usually stay decent looking for longer than a kid or teen’s room. Expect to paint this room every 5 years or so.

Children’s Bedrooms

Children spend a majority of their time hiding in their bedroom playing. With that comes messes, scrapes, and general wall damage. Between coloring on the walls and messy spills, a child’s room can seem to need painting every quarter. When you do paint, choose a glossy finish which will allow you to clean it more effectively. With fingers crossed and adamant care, you could paint this room every 3-4 years.


Another room full of messes, the kitchen walls take quite a bit of damage. Between food splatters and traffic, the walls are going to look messy. Your kitchen is likely to need more attention than other rooms in your house. Even vigilant cleaners will need to find durable paints and protective finishes to make the walls last 3 years.


Moisture leads to messes. As the most humid and wet room in your home, your paint will be truly tested. Regularly used bathrooms will need new paint at least every 4 years. This allows the painter to give the walls a once over to avoid big damage. Paint will be your first defense against water intrusion, keep the film in good shape to avoid big repairs.

Are you due for a paint job? Schedule a free, no-obligation estimate with our team of pros.

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