Skim Coating & Wall Repair Services
in Boulder & Longmont, CO
Skim Coating Services For Homes & Businesses in the Boulder, CO Area
The house painting experts at CertaPro Painters® of Boulder and Longmont are professionally trained to properly repair your damaged walls or ceilings by using a skim coating application. Skim coatings are a cost effective way to repair a wall without having to replace it entirely. CertaPro Painters of Boulder and Longmont’s installation process involves carefully spreading multiple layers of joint compound. Once the compound has dried, we gently smooth the walls by sanding off any rough edges.
Skim coating is ideally used in the following situations:

Wallpaper Removal Damage
If wall coverings are not properly removed by a professional then there could be significant damage to your walls. Our interior painters can smooth out your walls by applying our mixture of joint compound.
Professional Skim Coating in Boulder & Longmont Service Areas
Although applying skim coating may seem like a simple process, it’s actually quite difficult to apply if you’re inexperienced with a trowel. For the best results, we recommend hiring a CertaPro Painters® of Boulder and Longmont professional to install the skim coating for you. Once the work of our interior painters is complete, your walls will look as good as ever. Call today to receive a free painting estimate!
Before the paint of your choice is applied to the walls and before the surface preparation is complete, CertaPro Painters can assist you with your home’s skim coating repair needs to bring you the best possible finished project. We bring the same level of expertise to our work when we perform specialty contracting services like power washing.
Schedule your free, detailed estimate appointment now!