Commercial School Painting Services

CertaPro Painters Baton Rouge

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Commercial School Painting

We paint dozens of schools in the Baton Rouge area from daycare facilities to colleges and private schools. The types of spaces we can paint for your school include:

SAE House

SAE House

Our team worked diligently to paint this historic building that houses the SAE House.

Advantage Charter School

Advantage Charter School

Inspire Academy

Inspire Academy

Advantage Charter School

Advantage Charter School

Professional painting services for educational facilities

We understand that the timeline of your painting projects must occur on school vacations or weekends so we don’t interrupt the work of your students and faculty.  Vacation and weekend work is done at NO extra charge. If you have questions about commercial painting projects, see our commercial painting services page, or give us a call at 225-999-5091.

Meet Your Commercial Painting Expert

Paul Magill is the go-to expert for commercial painting at CertaPro Painters® of Baton Rouge, LA. With a deep understanding of the demands of commercial projects, Paul specializes in finding creative solutions for complex needs like tight schedules, specialty coatings, and hard-to-reach spaces. His goal is to ensure every business gets outstanding results with minimal disruption. Reach out today to discover how Paul can help make your project a success.

Paul Magill
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 225-341-1955

Paul Magill, Owner, CertaPro Painters of Baton Rouge, LA

See some of the other types of commercial properties we paint in the area