Antioch Painting
Whether it’s specialty colors or finishes – we have the experience you can rely on
We’re dedicated to providing the highest quality paint work, best value and most professional painting service in Contra Costa County since 2006.
Interior or exterior painting, we are certain to exceed your expectations. We always pay special attention to detail, and we take pride in serving the homes and businesses of Antioch – you may have seen us painting homes recently in West Hartley, Newlove & Los Medanos.
We pride ourselves on our customer service and the quality of our work. We show up on time, leave the work area clean and tidy every day and keep you informed on our progress. Our goal is to provide you with a trouble free painting experience and lasting results.
Here’s what you can expect when you contact us about your painting project:
- a detailed, fixed-price written proposal
- highly professional production manager & painting crews
- tidy, organized work areas
- regular progress updates
- expert workmanship and lasting results
Schedule your free, no-obligation estimate today
Antioch Painting Customer Review
Laurie H. Antioch, CA
“This team exceeded our expectations. From initial conception to the finish, it was a very professional experience. Maria was particularly patient and helpful in explaining the contract, our options, even with the painful process of us choosing our colors. I’ve observed some bad paint jobs in my life, but this painter is a master …very talented, thorough and knowledgeable, and the overall result is absolutely beautiful.”